All Inclusive Accommodation Packages prices is:
Meals + Transport + Excursion each Wednesday to Piaynemo and Melissa’s Garden
+ UNLIMITED Snorkeling Excursion + Kayak + Stand-up Paddle + Snorkeling Equipment
Equipment rental
Full set of diving: EUR 45 / day, EUR 200 / week, EUR 380 / 2 weeks
Additional dives:
Dive and night Dive: 1 to 9 EUR 50, 10 to 19: EUR 45, 20 to 29: EUR 40, 30+: 35 EUR
House reef diving (without boat) guided : EUR 35
House reef diving for experienced only (without boat) unguided : EUR 20
Discovery Diving: 100 EUR (include equipment)
Additional Excursion:
Wayag Excursion: 610 EUR / person (based on 2 person)
Kri Sinking Island, Yenbuba and Arborek Village: 220 EUR / person (based on 2 person)
Hidden Bay, The Passage, Kabui: EUR 175 / person (based on 2 person)
Additional transfer
If not on regular transfer day: EUR 300 per person each way (minimum 2 person)
For other location refer to transfer schedule table
Raja Ampat Marine Conservation Pin
To be paid in cash by guest
EUR 50 or 800,000 IDR each non-diver / EUR 75 or 1,200,000 IDR each diver
NB! Alle pakker og priser vil bli fakturert med gjeldende valutakurser ved fakturering- Vår prisgaranti gjelder kun i 7 dager etter at reservasjon er foretatt. Vi benytter valutakurser fra DNB.