All Inclusive Accommodation Packages prices is:
Meals + Transport + Excursion each Wednesday to Piaynemo and Melissa’s Garden
+ UNLIMITED Snorkeling Excursion + Kayak + Stand-up Paddle + Snorkeling Equipment
Equipment rental
Full set of diving: EUR 45 / day, EUR 200 / week, EUR 380 / 2 weeks
Additional dives:
Dive and night Dive: 1 to 9 EUR 50, 10 to 19: EUR 45, 20 to 29: EUR 40, 30+: 35 EUR
House reef diving (without boat) guided : EUR 35
House reef diving for experienced only (without boat) unguided : EUR 20
Discovery Diving: 100 EUR (include equipment)
Additional Excursion:
Wayag Excursion: 610 EUR / person (based on 2 person)
Kri Sinking Island, Yenbuba and Arborek Village: 220 EUR / person (based on 2 person)
Hidden Bay, The Passage, Kabui: EUR 175 / person (based on 2 person)
Additional transfer
If not on regular transfer day: EUR 300 per person each way (minimum 2 person)
For other location refer to transfer schedule table
Raja Ampat Marine Conservation Pin
To be paid in cash by guest
EUR 50 or 800,000 IDR each non-diver / EUR 75 or 1,200,000 IDR each diver
Please note that all packages will be upfdated with the exchange rate at the time of invoicing. Our price guarantee is only valid for 7 days after a booking is made: